
Details & Design

We know that not everyone is a designer or has one on hand, below are some ‘nice-to-knows’ that will give you a better idea of what we are talking about. To ensure the best quality product upon delivery, we need the goods from you. We would like to get the idea you have spot-on the first time around.


Can I design my own socks?

The results of clients designing their own socks never meet their expectations, so we’d suggest that you sit back and let the design team do their magic. We do however encourage you to send us a design brief in as much detail as possible of what you have in mind. We can also send a 2D mock up to you that you can draw on.


What is the difference between vector and high-res images?

A vector file is an editable file which is available in AI, EPS, PDF and SVG formats. Usually, a high-resolution image like a JPEG, TIFF or PNG file is a rasterized file which will pixelate when edited. We always require a vector logo/image format, which means the image is not compressed into pixels The files should be supplied in vector to ensure the best quality socks.


Are there design limitations?

There are a few design elements that can influence your end product. Very detailed patterns, fine lines, small logos and low contrast colours are all things you’d want to avoid. We will let you know from your design brief what the limitations are and how we can overcome them and revert with what we suggest in a digital mock-up.


What do you need from me?

We would like to get the idea you have spot-on first time around. Please supply the sales consultant with your design brief, logo(s), colour codes and vector based patterns and any other branding materials you might have on hand. Please supply your logo in an editable PDF, EPS and/or Adobe Illustrator format.


486 Nieshout Street, Roodeplaat, Pretoria, 0182, South Africa

Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm 

+27 66 015 2504


*Visits by appointment only. We reserve the right to refuse entry.


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